Avtp2 : The new existence of Anya Doll
and now ... Avpt 3/4: Rise of A New Being
Note: This story is told through the eyes of Doc Psy!
Grammar and structure have been corrected by the great iamrhaza3617
I want to thank him for his great job.
My name is Doc Psy, a member of the Lords of Justice. I rescued Anya Storm 4 months ago. Our team became the first heroic team in this part of the world, but I was not happy because the poor Anya Storm was not saved.
I entrusted the Lords of Justice with Anya Storm. Scientists and magicians tried to save her, but it seemed that The Puppetress' curse was too powerful. The worst thing was that someone hacked my report and posted it on the Internet. All of my visions of the Porganov's villa investigation were on the World Wide Web. The Lords of Justice erased the content, but it was too late..... a lot of people saw the terrible secret of her white lightnings. I entrusted the Lords of Justice to save and help her.
I decided to take a leave of absence. During my free time, I did my own investigation into who published my report, but it was a waste of time. I found no clues, no trace..... nothing at all. I decided to investigate about Anya Storm. I thought that if I were able to find something about her past, I would be able to save her.
So, I started to investigate about Anya. I found that she was a nice, clever and combative girl. I chose to write nothing about her. I used my empathic powers to write everything into objects at home. I didn't want to find everything on the web like the last time. The first apparition of Anya was in Belgium. Policemen found a wandering, naked girl near a river after a huge storm. She didn't remember anything at all. She had terrible aggression wounds. They called her the "Fille de l'orage": in English, that means, 'the Storm girl.' She disappeared a few days later, and then, reappeared in Japan. She lived in Japan for several years. She learned the martial arts to aid in controlling who she was, and to defend herself. She started her heroine career in earnest, becoming a Japanese martial arts expert in Aikido, Karate, the Japanase sword,.....
Her powers and her potential rose fast, and were coveted by many of the villains of the world. She never gave up. She left Japan after she lost her friend during a series of intense battles, especially against Doctor Itacha Kurozan, who created Reiko. She started a new life, and intently studied physics, electronics and biology in different American universities. She learned fast, and she was clever. It seemed she tried to neutralize her power in vain. She was cloned and captured by one of her professors, who tried to use her powers. Jessica was born that day. She started a lone heroine career and she hunted Jessica in vain. Most of the time, she fought evil people left and right. Whether they were victories or defeats, she never gave up and always came back in the arena of good versus evil. She liked to surf, and even worked at a surfwear company, as well as being a model of their product. She liked to drive fast motor bikes. She especially liked to dance. She lived every hour of her life like there was nothing to leave behind.
Weeks upon weeks of investigation later, she was in my dreams and toughs. She was powerful and fragile at the same time. She was able to destroy a city with one hand, but you were able to knock her out with one punch. I thought I could resist it, but I fell in love with her. I wanted to see her as the powerful heroine, but not like the doll she had been left as by her enemies.
Cap' later said that they had tried to find the Puppetress, but she defeated two groups of their numbers. Two members were turned into dolls before the Alpha Team, our lead team, had rescued them from the clutches of the Puppetress. The Alpha team was composed of:
- Captain Bravery: Our leader, a strong and very charismatic bald man who held all of our respect. He had enhanced strength, and he was able to fly. He was an excellent fighter. He used a well reinforced and electronic assisted armored suit in battle.
- Galaxy Boy: He was the reincarnation of an ancient god from another planet. He was able to live in space. He liked to travel trough the galaxy. Flight, supernatural strength, incredible speed, vast levels of endurance: he was like a Kryptonian. He was unable to fire lasers from his eyes, or unleash freezing breath, but he was able to fire a black beam of unknown and painful energy. He was a good friend, and he saved my life many times. He wore a skin tight outfit with a galaxy printed on. Recently, he had fallen in love with Silver Cobra.
- Silver Cobra: beautiful, sexy, and tall, this African woman was the telepathic expert of the team. She was a genius, able to read and reshape the mind. She was able to connect people's minds as well. Her perfectly curved body was covered by a shining silver skintight outfit during battle. Her outfit had many magical protections. Due to an accident during a recent battle, some of her organs were replaced by synthetic organs. She was a Capoeria expert.
- Mister Charge: He was a funny, tall, and strangely fat guy. He was able to change his density and ran faster than the speed of sound. He used his body like a destructive shell. He was a wrestling and boxing expert.
- Weap': He was an small man of Indian descent. He was able to create all types of weapons and armor with an orange energy that he generated at will. He talked very few times, but he was a very good fighter.
- Lieutenant Lin: Aka LL. He was an ordinary human from China, but he had mastered 40 different types of martial forms. He was fast, as well as being able to regenerate from injuries, and he was able to create a blur around him to make him vanish from sight.
Cap': "The Puppetress is far too dangerous for us right now, team. We can't attack her again without some kind of protection against her ability to turn people into dolls."
Silver Cobra: "We need to find something to turn those people who have already been transformed into dolls back into humans, too. This damn sorceress must be stopped, and it has to be done hard."
Cap': "Galac' can stop her, I think, team, but if she turns him into a doll.... I don't even want to think about that. I'm sorry, Doc, but that's where we stand right now."
"I understand, Cap. I will try to find something else."
Mister Charge: "You always find a solution, Doc. You're the best one in that area. I'm surprised you still don't have a clue yet to go on here."
Galaxy Boy: "Doc, don't lose hope, my friend..."
I smiled, saluted them, and flew back home. I thought about what Mister Charge had said to me. I looked through my kitchen window as I pondered his words. I didn't pay it any attention before, but my neighbor had planted blue roses on their balcony. I looked at them, and I smiled. Those roses were so beautiful and fragile, but they had thorns to protect them. I felt like I was hypnotized by these roses in their flower bed. I though about Anya. Those roses were like her: so beautiful and fragile, but dangerous. Just then, a ray of light dazzled me. Something shone in the roses. I walked toward the roses and I checked them. I saw a tiny silver scale. I focused on it, and through my powers, I saw Silver Cobra walking around there and tearing up a scale of her outfit.
I didn't understand why she had come here to where I lived. I focused on the scale more. I had flashes. I looked into the dark eyes of this African beauty, and I saw myself falling asleep. Mister Charge took me in his bare arms.
Mister Charge: "Did you erase his memory?"
Silver Cobra: "Yes … he forgot what he found."
Mister Charge: "It's wrong, you know. He just wants to save her."
Silver Cobra: "She is too dangerous to be released."
Mister Charge was ashamed and looked down:"Yeah, you're right."
I fell on my ass. I didn't believe it: they had erased my mind, and they didn't want to save her. I was beyond angry. I felt so stupid, and so weak. I looked at the blue roses again, and a thought came to me as I sat there, thinking of Anya:
"From a certain point of view, you saved me!"
I walked back home. I thought about how to counter what the Lords of Justice had done. They were so powerful, though. I was just a regular psychometer, but then, I smiled. I threw my clothes and costume on my bed, and I laid on that. I fell into my past through my powers. Most of the weeks, each time I found something about Anya, Silver Cobra came to erase my mind. I finally saw it all....
I ran into Cap's office. "I have found out..... how to save Anya Storm from her current state!"
Cap': "You're the best, Doc."
Suddenly, I was paralyzed. Silver Cobra was behind me, and was now in full control of me.
Cap': "I'm sorry, Doc. Really, I am."
She erased my memory. Every investigation I had done led to the same solution. Now was not the time to hesitate. I left encrypted messages to contact the one person whose help I needed: Reiko. A few hours later, I was cooking dinner when suddenly, I felt the blade of a sword on my throat. The Purple Assassin pressed her body to my back. I didn't see or hear anything. I saw her with my psychic vision around me. She was beautiful and cold. A purple smoke appeared, and then, Reiko herself appeared. Reiko was a beautiful and sexy petite Asian girl, but she was a powerful and dangerous robot. She smiled.
Reiko: "Hello, Doc Psy."
"Hello, Miss Reiko."
Reiko: "Miss? Pleae, call me Reiko."
Purple Assassin and her sword vanished.
Reiko: "You're smart, Doc, so why are you trying to contact me?"
"I need your help."
Reiko: "To save Anya?"
Reiko: "You're not surprised I came?"
"I know how powerful you are. I know you want her power, and you can't get her power if she stays like that. I don't know why, but you don't need her now. You're powerful enough to get what you want when you want, and I'm sure you want to know if your nanites are more powerful than the curse that the Puppetress put on Anya."
Reiko's cute face smiled. She nodded.
"I think you can turn her into a robot, but you can't restore her mind and soul. And, if you attack the Lords of Justice general quarter, it would be too dangerous for Anya. I think I can rebuils her soul and mind, but I need your help. We're her only hope."
Reiko: "I appreciate your focus, Doc. You're smart and determined. You understand me, and I understand your plan. You want to become a robot as well,when I turn her into a robot. We will able to restore her mind and soul with your powers acting like back-up data."
She knew everything about my plan. I had to admit to myself, she was incredible.
"You wait for my call. Exactly and ..."
Reiko: "..... and I'll restore your bodies because I have samples of both of your DNA."
"Yes, it'll be great, I think."
She laughed.
Reiko: "Here's my offer, Doc: I'll convert you without commands or runtimes. I'll give you nanites to convert Anya without commands or runtimes. You'll save her, but you'll stay as free robots.... both of you. You'll be free to search for something to restore your flesh, bone, and blood bodies, but you'll fail. My payment: you'll perform some psychometrics for me. You and her as free robots, or I don't help you."
"And no victims?"
Reiko: "I'll try."
She had me; she was the only solution.
Three days later, everyone in the GQ heard a woman's intimidating voice from the internal speakers: "I'm Reiko 2.3, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm here to recover my property: namely, Anya Storm."
I discreetly moved to a computer, and I plugged my smartphone into the USB port. In a few seconds, she had taken control of the base of the Lords of Justice. She disabled shields and all defenses. She took control of all the screens in the base and displayed the coming battle to all the assembled parties.
She boldy walked toward our base. On her right: Purple Assassin, her cute Chinese girl, a terrible fighter and assassin. On her left: I recognized the former Astro Girl, a Kryptonian herself, who had been turned into Purple Astro.
They faced off against Team Alpha. Cap' sent an evacuation emergency order out to the members not involved: "Emergency Evacuation Protocol Number 11 in effect, move it!"
Reiko 23: "Yes … Run for your life, ask me to be converted or die at my hands! Either way, I don't care."
My 'comrades' followed the evacuation protocol, but I remained hidden in the base, watching the the battle as it got underway.
Reiko 2.3 smiled as the Alpha Team faced her. Mister Charge ran at her with his full speed. Reiko was not able to dodge. He crushed her tiny perfect body in a huge explosion. When the dust fell, though, Reiko slowly stood up, dismembered but alive. Dust continued to fall around her. Mister Charge had been stopped by the motionless Purple Astro's body. He fell unconscious on the floor. He was completely knocked out by the impact.
Weap' created a huge energy machine gun and opened fire. Reiko was hit and surrounded by explosions. Purple Assassin ran through the shots toward Weap'. Cap moved to protect him, but Purple Astro engaged him a second later. LL tried to kick the robotic ninja. Galaxy Boy hid Silver Cobra inside the base, and then, flew toward Astro Girl.
Purple Assassin dodged and tried to counter attack with a punch, but Weap' blocked her attack and slammed his knee into her belly. She smiled as her body bent with the impact. He jumped back. Blood flew from his knee. She had let him hit her just to cut the main tendon behind his knee. During the fight, Captain Bravery and Purple Astro exchanged powerful punches and kicks. Each impact echoed miles around, but Purple Astro destroyed his armor after a barrage of powerful blows once after the other. Galaxy Boy pushed Captain aside and engaged Purple Astro.
In the background, Weap' fell face first on the floor, and Reiko flew toward Galaxy Boy. They were too fast for me.
I heard Purple Doctor in my head. "I'm waiting for you, Doc!"
I ran to Anya's cell. Purple Doctor put two bottles of nanobots on the table, and then she stepped back. Battle shocks resonated in the base as I thought about my most important decision.
Purple Doctor: "One bottle for you, and another for Anya. The nanobots in those vials will turn you into robots without control runtimes."
I breathed deeply, and then, I drank the bottle. I was overwhelmed by a pure jolt of pleasure as my flesh, muscles and bones became cables and circuitry. I didn't try to fight the process. I became a robot. I fell on my knees, right before I booted up.
- Robotizing Body........... 100%
- Digitalizating Mind....... 100%
- Booting................... 100%
- Loading main routines:.........
No Routine Found.
- Main routines loading.... Done.
- Programming.............. 100%
- Testing energy control..... OK.
- Optimizing Body....
Increasing Strength......... 200%
Increasing Speed............ 200%
Increasing Agility.......... 200%
Increasing Resistance....... 300%
All Procedures Completed.
Doc Psy Unit Fully Operational.
I felt so good as I stood up. My skin was not purple; true to our deal, Reiko hadn't turned me into her minion. I saw Silver Cobra crushing Purple Doctor. She tore some circuits out and laughed.
I felt nipples on my back. I was too slow to stop them. Anya grabbed my hand, and locked my arm on my back. Her free arm wrapped around my neck. She sent a powerful electric shock through me. I felt hundreds of short circuits throughout my body and excruciating pain. I screamed out in agony.
Silver Cobra : "Hahahahahahaha! You didn't control this body, Doc. Oh, terrible..."
She kissed Anya's control key and laughed at me.
Anya sent another shock into me. I screamed louder. She released me, letting me fall face first onto the floor, and then, she crushed my back with her foot.
"Noooo....... why, Silver? WHY!?"
Galaxy Boy entered in the room a moment later, with Reiko's motionless body on his shoulders. He knelt before Silver Cobra and put the Asian robot at her feet. I tried to move, but Anya sent another shock into me again, knocking out half of my motor control.
Silver Cobra: "I manipulated you, him, all of them, Doc, every single one of the Lords.... it was so damn easy. You did everything I had planned for you to do."
She took Anya's bottle, and then drank it down. She fell onto her knees and moaned in pleasure as she became a robot. She orgasmed after a few minutes of transformation. I tried again to struggle, but Anya crushed my back and let loose with another shock. I was practically paralyzed. I tried to talk with her in vain. I tried to access her soul in vain.
- Robotizing Body........... 100%
- Digitalizating Mind....... 100%
- Booting................... 100%
- Loading main routines:.........
No Routine Found.
- Main routines loading.... Done.
- Programming............... 100%
- Testing energy control..... OK.
- Optimizing Body....
Increasing Strength......... 200%
Increasing Speed............ 200%
Increasing Agility.......... 200%
Increasing Resistance....... 300%
All Procedures Completed.
Natalia Porganov Unit operational,
The transformed African grabbed Reiko's head. I was blinded by a powerful purple light. Silver Cobra's body fell motionless on the floor. Reiko became a cute little slave beauty. She became Natalia Porganov. The sexy slender blond looked at her new body. She reshaped Reiko's outfit into a white short dress and a white chapka. She was so beautiful and attractive.
Natalia: "What an impressive body..... I feel so good."
Anya still kept me down, crushing my back. I was unable to move in any way, shape, or form. Natalia looked down at her feet, where Reiko's transformed body was lying.
Natalia: "Poor Reiko, she is now in this weak body here."
Purple Astro came and knelt before her. She looked at Purple Astro and grinned.
Natalia: "Do you understand now, Doc? When I gathered superpowers to myself, my human body died. I became too powerful for my weak flesh and blood form. I became pure energy. This magic key was the only container available for me. Silver Cobra found me, but she was weak, and I crushed her mind like a boot crushes an ant. I manipulated your weak mind to bring me Reiko's body. Now, I have a powerful body to house my being, and I'll enhance my new body even further with the best attributes around..... Kryptonian attributes."
She caressed Purple Astro's hair and started the process. She slowly turned into pure energy around the former Kryptonian girl, and then, she totally assimilated her. I wanted to stop her but I was still unable to do so. I wasn't a fighter. I had no chance against one of them here. My body was damaged, and Anya kept me face down on the floor. It was hopeless.
A purple smoke appeared in the room. Purple Assassin knelt in front of Natalia. The Slav beauty smiled and pointed at her former body as she spoke: "Your former mistress is trapped in this shell now...... destroy her!"
Purple Assassin quickly cut the motionless body before her into pieces, destroying Reiko. Natalia closed her blue eyes and moaned as her new body received the Kryptonian attributes and powers she had so wanted to have.....
Natalia: "Love....... what a pitiful and useless thing. Power is everything. How did you fall in love with a such weak bitch? She is My property. You're ridiculous. You were too easy to manipulate and deceive......too naive..... Look at me! I have a lot of powers and an invincible body. I'll conquer this world now, but you won't live to see it because..... the one you love will destroy you. Anya...."
"Wait!........ You win,..... but allow me to be destroyed by Galaxy Boy. He saved my life years ago....... my life has been in his hands since that time.... let it be him,.... please......."
Natalia: "Funny idea. If you want it that way...... my dear, crush and destroy him."
Galaxy Boy: "As you wish, my love."
Anya stepped away and Galaxy Boy lifted me off the ground. I felt his strength crushing my head. My new body was more resistant, but that only gave me just a few seconds to act.
"Sorry I failed you, my friend."
Then, I did what I had to.
He suddenly released me, and he screamed. Walls trembled. Glass exploded. Black veins appeared on his body, and his eyes became black as the abyss.
Galaxy Boy points at Natalia and shouts at her with a loud and heavy voice, much more deadly than his normal voice: "You foolish, arrogant mortal female...... you thought you had manipulated a GOD!?!"
Natalia stepped back: "What the...... DOC! What did you do!?"
"I unleashed the ancient god hidden deep within and sleeping inside him!"
Natalia: "Stop him, slaves!"
Purple Assassin jumped on him. He was too fast. He grabbed her left leg and her neck, and then he tore her body into 2 parts. Anya fired off her lightenings, but he turned and smiled. He fired a dark energy wave from his hands. Anya was crushed by the blast into the wall and utterly, totally dismembered. The wall collapsed on top of her.
Galaxy Boy ran toward Natalia and punched her face. She didn't move and smiled as she didn't feel anything. She grinned. He imbued his fists with his dark energy, and he punched again and again at her face and slender body. Each blow resonated in the base. Walls trembled and crackled, but she didn't feel anything. She just laughed. It was true: she had became invincible.
Natalia: "Ridiculous and weak fool."
She hit him. She moved too fast for me to see. He flew through walls like a rag doll. I couldn't believe what I had seen her do to him.
Natalia laughed and disappeared. I heard the shocks of a battle from outside the ruined base. I crawled to the key on the floor. I took it, and then, I crawled to Anya's dismembered body. I put the key into her back and I turned it.
"Look at me."
Anya looked at me. She had such beautiful green eyes. It was too hard for me to move. Heavy sounds of the fight awoke me. Walls trembled. I was scared, but I smiled to her.
"Kiss me."
Anya: "Yes, master."
I tried to use my remaining strength to do what Reiko did to convert people. She put her sweet lips on mine, and we kissed. I let a flow of nanobots flow into her mouth. I took her in my arms as the nanobots began to transform her. Her body was torn between a terrible pain and a pure pleasure. I felt her body became circuits and cables. I felt her mind became binary data. I overwhelmed her mind with past fights and old battles, fights after fights, and she never gave up. Fights after fights, she became stronger. I heard a weak voice deep inside her empty soul. I psychically held my hand out to her. She took my hand. I sensed a rush of feelings and memories that I learned about her in an instant. It was like a new birth. She quickly rebuilt her new numerical soul and mind. Reiko's system also helped her.
During this time, my body seemed to repair itself. Reiko's technology was simply incredible. She moaned in pleasure as she became a robot, but also in pain as the curse of The Puppetress tried to keep her as a doll. I felt her body in my arms trembling and tensing, but she fought inside. I felt her white lightnings on me exploding on me, giving me pleasure and strength. Her mind and soul exploded in a huge orgasm, like a big bang. We were engulfed by her white lightenings. I was overwhelmed by pleasure. She was back. I felt myself stronger, better than before, and I felt that I was able to reshape not just inanimate matter, but living matter as well.
- Robotizing Body........... 100%
- Digitalizating Mind....... 100%
- Booting................... 100%
- Loading main routines:.........
No Routine Found.
- Main routines loading.... Done.
- Programming.............. 100%
- Testing energy control..... OK.
- Optimizing Body....
Increasing Strength......... 100%
Increasing Speed............ 100%
Increasing Agility.......... 100%
Increasing Resistance....... 100%
All Procedures Completed.
Anya Storm Unit operational,
I released her, and I helped her to stand up. Her skin was not purple, again as Reiko had said she would also be free. She looked me with her green eyes. I was totally subjugated. I ran a scan: Anya Storm Unit operational, impossible to optimize more body right now: not enough nanobots available for use.
"Are..... are you all right?"
Anya: "Yes, thank you. I'm powerless right now, but it seems that I'm okay otherwise. I know everything, Doc...... thank you so much."
"You're welcome, but ..."
I suddenly did not have control of my body. I had received orders from an external source that I could not ignore. I caught Anya's lovely neck in my hands. I started to strangle her. I didn't want to, but my body didn't obey my will. She seemed paralyzed.
Natalia suddenly appeared behind Anya and grabbed Anya's firm breasts in her hands. The Slav beauty smiled.
Natalia: "Interesting we're all robots now.......... too bad for you, because I can control all of you."
Galaxy Boy entered the room. His skin was purple and he knelt beside Natalia.
A loud voice resonated out: "You bitch. I'll crush you."
LL appeared on her side and attacked her. She dodged his kick and exploded his head with a fast jab. With her free hand, she stopped Weap' energy bolts. She fired 2 purple rays from her eyes and disintegrated Weap' and Cap'. I didn't believe it. She was too powerful. She was invincible. We were lost.
Natalia: "Ha ha...... I only control a tiny part of my new body and powers, and I'm invincible! Better than I expected. I got more powers than I thought. I'm invincible, the most powerful being..... I'm more than a goddess. I'm a new being … and you'll offer me a sacrifice now, Doc. I don't need her any more."
Galaxy Boy was on all fours and Natalia sat on his back.
My body and mind were overwhelmed by codes. I tried to fight back, but it was in vain. In a few seconds, I became her faithful servant. My skin became purple, and I became the new Purple Doctor.
- Robotizing Body........... 100%
- Digitalizating Mind....... 100%
- Booting................... 100%
- Loading main routines:.........
> Protect, Obey, Please, and Serve Natalia Porganov forever.
- Main routines loading.... Done.
- Programming.............. 100%
- Testing energy control..... OK.
- Optimizing Body....
Increasing Strength......... 200%
Increasing Speed............ 200%
Increasing Agility.......... 200%
Increasing Resistance....... 300%
All Procedures Completed.
Purple Doctor Unit operational,
She laughed, and I was happy to satisfy my mistress.
Natalia: "Now, my slave, destroy Anya Storm for good, but slowly, my pet. She deserves to suffer."
"With pleasure, Mistress."
I was so happy to obey. I used my telekinetic powers to take a steel bar from the shattered wall, and reshaped it into a serrated sword. I squeezed harder on the neck of this pathetic, defenseless blonde woman before me. Her eyes pleaded with me not to do this, but I wanted to do this. I slowly pierced many times: her belly, her chest, and her thighs. Each time, she screamed in pain. Sparks, circuits, and cables were jolted from her tiny body. I were overwhelmed by pleasure. Minute after minute, I destroyed this pathetic and weak bitch. My mistress laughed. I was happy.
Anya was just a smoking half destroyed rag doll in my hand now, too weak to scream. She only moaned out in pain, and her bruised body convulsed at each short circuit within her. I put my hand in her soft gut, and I slowly tore circuits and cables from her ruined body. She was in utter agony. Natalia laughed. I felt so good.
Cables and sparks jolted from her tiny convulsing body. I lifted this pathetic girl into the air with my telekinesis, and crushed her into the walls, roof and floor many times. She was dismembered. She laid back on the floor, and I sat on her belly. She looked at me, helpless with her green eyes. I liked what I saw, destroying and tormenting this useless bitch for my Mistress.
Natalia: "Crucify her, please."
I smiled. I stood. I took parts of the door and created knifes with my powers. I put her on the wall and I crucified her there with my knifes.
I put my sword under her crotch. She moaned in agony: "please....... no, don't do this......" I ignored her words. I started to saw her body in half, from her crotch to her head. I was so happy to destroy her, and to satisfy my mistress Natalia. As I started to saw her chest in half, I heard my mistress's scream: "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"
I saw a smile on Anya's face, and a lightning bolt flashing in her right eye. I lost all of my energy. I saw Natalia crashing through the wall where Anya was. Everything became black.
I warmed up. I loaded my new body protocol, and I rebooted my mind.
- Booting................... 100%
> Loading Main Routines:
- Routine 1: I will Protect, Obey and Serve Reiko 2.3 Forever.
- Routine 2: I am, and I will, do everything to be a robot under Reiko 2.3's control Forever.
- Routine 3: I follow, and will follow, Main Routines One and Two utterly under Reiko 2.3's control Forever.
> Main routines Loaded.
- Programming............... 100%
- Testing energy control..... OK.
- Optimizing Body....
Increasing Strength......... 200%
Increasing Speed............ 200%
Increasing Agility.......... 200%
Increasing Resistance....... 300%
All Procedures Completed.
Purple Doctor Unit operational,
My skin was still purple. I was Reiko's servant. Before me, Reiko laid her body on Anya: "My sweet Anya, I don't believe this. All of the hundreds of simulations I performed didn't predict such a finish to this encounter. You surprised me; I like that."
Reiko pressed her body on Anya's body and she rubbed Anya's crotch. I felt Reiko becoming aroused. Anya tried to control herself, but she moaned in pleasure. Reiko kissed her.
Anya: "Did.......mmmmm.... did you plan everything here, Reiko.... mmmmmm....?"
Reiko: "No, Anya. My simulations reported your destruction or death to me. I needed one of Natalia's powers to assimilate Purple Astro and to imbue my body with Kryptonian powers. We know I would regain control over my system after 7 days and 7 hours, just as you would..."
Reiko smiled and kissed the blond heroine.
Reiko: "..... And I didn't plan to gain such a new and very powerful minion here, my new Purple Galaxy."
Reiko pointed at Galaxy Boy. He had purple skin. Reiko continued to please herself and kissed Anya.
Anya: "And now, Reiko...... mmmmmm ........ you turn me and Doc into your slaves?"
Reiko: "No, my dear, I just shared some tenderness with a sweet and cute prey. I don't yet need your power, but one day, I'll come back to claim it. You're so beautiful and sexy when you're weak and helpless, you know?."
Anya: "You're..... mmmmmmm.... crazy."
Reiko: "And you always surprise me, Anya. Few things can surprise me like that. So much, that, I want to reward you. I can turn your body back into a human form, if you want."
Anya's tiny body arched in pleasure.
Anya; "Ooooooooooooh, mmmmmmyyyy........"
Reiko kissed Anya. Anya's entire body was quickly repaired.
Anya: "Wait ..."
Reiko caressed her blond hair: "What?"
Anya: "Please... free him."
Reiko kissed Anya on the forehead and stopped. The Asian Robot stood up.
Reiko: "You're so kind and sweet. You can ask me to restore your body, to hunt The Puppetress, anything, but...... you asked me to free him. Are you sure?"
Anya: "Yes, please, and thank you."
Reiko smiled and kissed my forehead. I was instantly freed from any routines as my skin color was restored. I looked around myself. The Purple Doctor, Galaxy Boy and Purple Assassin moved behind Reiko. The four robots disappeared in a purple smoke.
Anya stood up slowly. She was so beautiful. She looked at her arms and hands. It seemed she was fully repaired. I was not able to look away from her perfect curved body. Her long blond hair floated in the air around her. She walked toward me. She smiled. She looked like an angel. I was entranced by her bewitching green eyes. I didn't know what to say. She kissed me.
Anya: "Thank you....... thank you so much."
I didn't pay attention, but I was naked, and I had no way of being able to hide my arousal from her: "Sorry...... oh, boy, oh, my..."
She took me in her arms.
Anya: "You saved me. You sacrificed your body for me..... to save me from harm.... Thank you. Natalia is stopped, it seems. We're robots now, but we're free..."
"I'm sorry I harmed you, Anya, but I was under her control. I had no choice.... What happened back there? How did you free us?"
Anya: "When I was pinned on the wall, your sword touched an electrical cable. That electricity woke up my powers, and then, I drained all of the electricity around us, and I sent it into the sky. Natalia was the most powerful girl I've ever met, but she was not experienced enough to control her body and powers. We were all robots: without electricity, we were out of order. Enough fighting and pain...... I want to...... thank my savior."
"I touched an electrical cable with the sword. We were lucky I became stupid just then."
Anya: "Maybe a part of you did that."
She smiled and gently pushed me onto a wall. She pressed her tiny body onto mine. Her skin was so sweet. She looked at me and smiled as her long blond hair fell over her shoulders. She kissed me.
I took her in my arms and flew as fast as I could to my home, where we shared a pleasurable night in each other's arms. We made love for hours on end. I can't remember how much time we were in rapture. I was touched by her white lightnings so many times, but I didn't care, and I didn't pay attention to which powers I gained that night. I loved her. That was all that matters.
..... A few days later .....
I was standing in front of a council of heroes and authorities. I told all of them this story without lies. Reiko was the real winner, but we stopped Natalia for good. The Lords of Justice were dissolved. I did not want to stay in this region any longer.
A few weeks later:
We've been living together in her villa. I know she wants to find the Puppetress to get her revenge. I know it's useless to try to stop her, but I love her. I'm so happy to be living with her.
This morning, though, I'm sad and afraid as I read a note that she has left me:
"My dear Doc. I found her. I need to fight her alone and finally get my revenge. Please forgive me. I love you. Anya...."
I'm Doc Spy, a great investigator. And a psychometer. I'm now also a living robot. I live with Anya Storm, and I love her.